Wednesday 3 July 2013

Special Health Care Needs - Conclusion

  • There are more and more students with special health care needs entering the Ontario school system, as medical technology advances and views on inclusive education are broadening.
  • The onus is on educational personnel to improve both their understanding of these students’ needs but also how to accommodate their medical, emotional and social needs to enable the best educational experience that is possible. 

  • Exceptional students need exceptional care - this includes having a health services plan, an emergency protocol and also a specialized model of education delivery.


      In our blog we have identified numerous measures that can help provide the best possible care and experiences for these exceptional students. These measures hinge on the concept of an accessible classroom, in a physical, emotional and social sense. All require the keenest of observation and the highest degree of understanding which needs to be mobilized by the students’ peers as much as the adults present. 
     The medical, emotional and social complexities of life for a child with special health care needs can never be underestimated. They should be treated accordingly, and deserve a thoughtful and diverse school experience to help them show the potential they have, despite the tough deal that life has thrown them. 

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