Thursday 4 July 2013

Neurological interventions

Prosthetic Devices
·         Used to replace lost function and or provide support.
·         Mobility devices
·         Braces
·         Crutches
·         Wheel chairs
·         Wheel chairs can be self propelled, electric or battery operated, voice activated.

Orthopedic Braces

  •   Short leg braces

  • Long leg braces

  •   Hip braces

  •   Shoes

1 comment:

  1. Prosthetic devices have come such a long way in my life time! Just like braces and glasses, it brings a smile to my face to see the array of colours that braces come it.

    I remember my first encounter with a child who had prosthetic legs. It was on a field placement at a segregated school in Toronto that had a pool right in the building. It was a swimming day and the classroom teacher asked me to support a new little guy in getting his bathing suit on and showered for the pool. He immediately went into the dressing room, sat on the floor and started to take off his clothing - his shoes, his socks, his pants .... and his legs! I honestly didn't know what to do and was very thankful to be sitting on the floor with him. He proceeded to show me how his legs worked and explained that he usually kept them in the change room when he went swimming - less to dry off afterwards!
