Excellent long-term memory
Extensive vocabulary
Excels in reading comprehension
Excels in mathematical reasoning
Advanced verbal skills in discussions
Facile with computers
Grasps abstract concepts
Performs better with more challenging work
Thrives on complexity
Highly creative, imaginative
Reasons well
Is a keen observer
May have acute hearing
Has very interesting ideas
Extremely curious; asks many
Has high degree of energy
Perceptive and insightful (seems
Excellent sense of humor
May excel at art, science, geometry, mechanics, technology, or music |
Learning Disabilities Poor short-term memory Speaking vocabulary more sophisticated than written vocabulary Struggles with decoding words Does poorly at computation Refuses to do written work Handwriting is illegible
Has great difficulty with spelling and
phonics Struggles with easy, sequential material Difficulty with rote memorization Often inattentive in class Emotions can overpower reasoning Poor auditory memory Poor listening skills Weak in language mechanics, such as grammar, punctuation, capitalization, etc. May be unable to learn unless interested Performs poorly on timed tests Hopelessly disorganized Finds clever ways to avoid weak areas May fail at foreign languages and subjects emphasizing audition, sequencing, memory |
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