Thursday 20 June 2013

Is School An Obstacle to Learning?

Students who are twice exceptional (2e) consistently fit the profile that Howard Gardner describes as the VISUAL SPATIAL learner.  Such students often fail to achieve in schools which are better geared for the AUDITORY SEQUENTIAL learner.
Illustrated by Buck Jones
All rights reserved. Copyright 2002

Consider the characteristics of the two types of learning styles listed below:  
LEARNER                                                 LEARNER 
Thinks primarily in words
Thinks primarily in pictures
Has auditory strengths
Has visual strengths
Relates well to time
Relates well to space
Is a step-by-step learner
Is a whole-part learner
Learns by trial and error
Learns concepts all at once
Progresses sequentially from easy to difficult material
Learns complex concepts easily; Struggles with easy skills
Is an analytical thinker
Is a good synthesizer
Attends well to details
Sees the big picture; may miss details
Follows oral directions well
Reads maps well
Does well at arithmetic
Is better at math reasoning than computation
Learns phonics easily
Learns whole words easily
Can sound out spelling words
Must visualize words to spell them
Can write quickly and neatly
Much better at keyboarding than handwriting
Is well organized
Creates unique methods of organization
Can show steps of work easily
Arrives at correct solutions intuitively
Excels at rote memorization
Learns best by seeing relationships
Has good auditory short-term memory
Has good long-term visual memory
May need some repetition to reinforce learning
Learns concepts permanently; does not learn by drill and repetition
Learns well from instructions
Develops own methods of problem solving
Learns in spite of emotional reactions
Is very sensitive to teachers' attitudes
Is comfortable with one right answer
Generates unusual solutions to problems
Develops fairly evenly
Develops quite asynchronously (unevenly)
Usually maintains high grades
May have very uneven grades
Enjoys algebra and chemistry
Enjoys geometry and physics
Masters other languages in classes
Masters other languages through immersion
Is academically talented
Is creatively, technologically, mechanically, emotionally or spiritually gifted
Is an early bloomer
Is a late bloomer

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