Saturday 29 June 2013

Severe and Multiple Disabilities - Intervention

Medical Intervention

A routine part of the diagnostic process done as early as possible to try to establish the exact nature and underlying causes of the disabilities.


Physical and Occupational Therapists - These professionals assist students in the development of body coordination, other physical skills and aid in gross and fine motor skills.
Speech and Language Pathologists - These professionals assist students in the development of their speech and language. They also assist students who have difficulty with fine motor muscles required for eating.
Technical Aids - Equipment used to improve the quality of life for all students.
  • Wheel chairs/ Walkers
  • Lifts
  • Standing Frames
  • Assistive communication devices



Learning characteristics for children with severe or multiple disabilities vary. Each student requires a carefully analyzed IEP that shows modifications for appropriate learning. The IEP requires a team approach and assessments need to be continuous to ensure that the student is benefitting from the adapted curriculum.
The learning environment is best when there is:
  • opportunity for interaction
  • sensory stimulation
  • well planned curriculum
  • consistent programming
  • support
  • patience



  1. WOW, Alison this job takes a very special (angel)person to do this as their daily job. I loved watching the videos and I do believe everyone in these videos plays a very special part in the lives of these people. My mother and a friend of mine both had a relative in their life and both have passed on. I am aware of many of the struggles involved when dealing with a special person of this nature. Thanks for the reminders(videos)of how special each of this individuals are!

  2. Alison can testify to how amazing her experience was in Fergus working with students including those who have severe and multiple disabilities. I would encourage all of you to give this option consideration.

  3. I believe sometimes individuals who have suffered in their own personal silence have volumes to speak and I'm so glad that we are finding more and more ways to communicate with one another regardless of the challenges in the way.
