Thursday 27 June 2013

Is the student GIFTED or BRIGHT?

A Student Demonstrating GIFTED Behaviours:

  • Asks the questions
  • Is highly curious
  • Is mentally and physically involved
  • Has wild, silly ideas
  • Plays around yet tests well
  • Discusses in detail and elaborates
  • Beyond the group
  • Shows strong feelings and opinions
  • Already knows
  • 1-2 repetitions for mastery
  • Constructs abstractions
  • Prefers adults
  • Draws inferences
  • Initiates projects
  • Is intense
  • Creates new designs
  • Enjoys learning
  • Manipulates information
  • Inventor
  • Good guesser
  • Is keenly observant
  • Is highly self-critical 
  • Thrives on complexity
 A Student Demonstrating BRIGHT Behaviours:
  • Knows the answer
  • Is interested
  • Is attentive
  • Has good ideas
  • Works hard
  • Answers the questions
  • In the top group
  • Listens with interest
  • Learns with ease
  • 6-8 repetitions for mastery
  • Understands ideas
  • Enjoys peers
  • Grasps the meaning
  • Completes assignments
  • Is receptive
  • Copies accurately
  • Enjoys school
  • Absorbs information
  • Technician
  • Good memorizer
  • Is alert


  1. Hmm, based on this information I would class my son as bright rather than gifted. So the Ontario system classified him as 'gifted' using the CCAT testing, whereas I have always described him in what I term old fashioned language, i.e.bright. So is the system doing kids a disservice by not making the right distinction? In some ways, my son was lucky not to have been offered a place in the gifted programme - he loves his 'regular' school,has many friends there, and based on this information, is in the right place for him.

  2. Hi Sandy and Jayne, My son and I sat down and when through the list of bright and gifted students to compare the two. We both agreed that he leans towards the bright side. When he was in grade two the teacher talked about him skipping a grade and we said no thanks. At that time many reasons out waded the decision at hand. To this day we are happy with our decision and we too think he is in the right place. I also have a friend that has a daughter that when to Waverly school in the gifted program. She is a very good, bright girl, but in another area I wonder about her social skills? I notice she is very withdrawn, quite, shy and reserved in a number of other ways.
