Saturday 29 June 2013

Children with Special Health Care Needs, Cancer

Childhood Cancer

Unless otherwise cited, the following information
has been gathered from a booklet called:
Helping Schools Cope With Childhood Cancer,
Current Facts and Creative Solutions (2011),
provided by the Children’s Hospital, London 
Health Sciences Centre. It is an excellent resource
for families, health care providers and teaching staff
to help children diagnosed with cancer to continue
their education to the best of their ability.

This section will contain many medical terms but this will be the language
that families living with cancer probably will use much during the child’s 
            illness. School staff, who are involved in the education of a child with cancer,
            will need to know these terms in order to better understand and communicate
            with the child and his or her family.


                   Cancer is a group of diseases characterized by abnormal, rapid and         
                         uncontrolled cell growth. Although childhood cancers tend to develop
                         more suddenly and often grow faster than adult cancers, they also
                         tend to respond better to treatment.

 40% of all pediatric cancers are leukemias, cancers of the  blood cells, originating
      from the bone marrow. 

Tumours of the brain and spinal cord are the most common form of solid tumours in kids.

Lymphomas (Hodgkin's Lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma) are tumours in the lymph nodes, spleen or tonsils, made up from the uncontrolled growth of white blood cells called lymphocytes (Crosta, 2012).

 Osteosarcoma is a bone tumour that often affects the bones of the arms and legs

Some types of cancers may be more likely diagnosed among very young children, for example, kidney tumours and neuroblastomas, which are tumours formed from a certain
kind of nerve cells called neuroblasts (KidsHealth, 2011). Other cancers may form in connective tissue, reproductive cells or the liver.


About 1 in 400 children (o.25%) will be diagnosed with cancer before their 18th birthday. Fortunately, cancer therapies have improved so much that 80% of all children with cancer will have a survival rate of five years since diagnosis and most of these children will be considered cured.

Even so, cancer remains the leading     
disease-related cause of death
for children in the developed world.


Exposure to radiation and some genetic defects may 
           increase a child’s risk of developing cancer, but most
           of the time there just is no reason or known cause for
the abnormal cell growth, causing the cancer.


Children may have many different symptoms depending on the type of cancer and the location of the tumour. Solid tumours may cause pain, swelling or a loss of function in the area of the tumour. A child with leukemia may look pale, have a fever and excessive bruising. Lymphomas may cause swelling of the lymph nodes while a brain tumour may cause headaches, vomiting, weakness, vision problems or even seizures. 

                 A child will require many tests, some
                of them quite painful, to determine if
                his or her symptoms are caused by
                cancer, and if so, what type of cancer
                and to what extend the disease has
                already progressed. Tests may
                include blood work, x-rays, CT scans,
                MRI scans, ultrasound, PET scans, 
                lumbar puncture (also called Spinal Tap),
                Bone Marrow Aspiration or biopsy.

                                                      Medical Intervention

Most cancer treatments take place in large hospitals. This means that most families will have
to travel away from home for certain lengths of time. In most cases, the goal of treatment will be to cure the child from the disease by destroying the fast-growing cancer cells. How this goal is to be achieved will depend on the type of cancer, the location and extend of the disease and how well the child is responding to treatment. The length of time that a child requires treatment will also vary from several months to several years.

Brazil creates Superformula
          Chemotherapy: administering drugs
          to destroy cancer cells by mouth, 
          injection or intravenously (IV) or via lumbar
          puncture into the spinal fluid. 
          Chemotherapy may be given during a
          hospital stay, at a day clinic or at home.

          Radiation therapy: using high-powered
          radioactive particles to destroy cancer
          cells, administered during brief daily
          treatments over a number of weeks.

          Surgery: sometimes planned in combination with chemotherapy
                or radiation, to remove the tumour or as much of the tumour as is
                possible. Sometimes, surgery may involve the amputation of a body
                part to remove the entire tumour. 

stem cell or Bone Marrow Transplant: replacing the cancerous blood cells with healthy
 donor stem cells (new immature blood cells), collected from the child him or herself or
 donated by a family member or unrelated donor. A bone marrow transplant requires
 intensive chemotherapy or radiation to destroy any cancer cells circulating in the child's
 body followed by the infusion of the healthy stem cells. Because this level of
 chemotherapy or radiation will also destroy the child's immune system, the child is at extremely high risk of infections. He or she will have to stay in isolation in the hospital
 for four to six weeks followed by months of recovery in isolation at home.


                                                            Central Lines: Because children’s
               veins are so small, it is more difficult
               and more painful to access a child’s
               vein for the administration of drugs,
               fluids, blood products or nutrients. To
               make this easier, most children will
               have a central line inserted, consisting
               of a small tube tunneled under the skin 
               towards the neck and into one of the
               large veins. Treatment can be injected
               into the access point of the catheter.

                Supportive care: treatment that prevents, controls or relieves side
                effects or complications of the cancer treatment such as antibiotics
                to prevent or treat infections, special mouth rinses to prevent mouth 
                sores, anti-nausea medications for nausea and vomiting or even
                blood transfusions. Psychosocial support provides counseling to the
                family to help them cope and psychological assessment and treatment
                for the child as needed. A dietitian helps by addressing special
                nutritional needs.  

          Therapy: Physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and
          language therapy may be required as a result of the consequences
          of cancer. For example, when the child has a brain tumour, needs 
          an amputation or has complications from drug therapy.

                                           Developmental Consequences

                    “Perhaps most importantly, childhood cancer occurs
                 in a developing human being. Children continue to grow
                        physically, emotionally, socially  and cognitively
                              during the challenges of treatment” (p. 3).

Physically: Mobility challenges may result from brain tumours, amputations and other surgeries or as a side effect from treatment while some children experience sensory loss, including hearing or vision loss. Some treatments may also cause damage to the nerves affecting fine motor skills.  Some physical effects may not show up until later, for example infertility, decreased heart and lung functioning, changes in growth, decreased bone density, or a higher risk of developing cancer later in life.

Emotionally: Cancer is like a rollercoaster
ride with many ups and downs and
unexpected turns and twists. One strong
emotion is fear; fear of death, fear of the
unknown, fear of pain and fear of social
rejection. Another strong emotion may be
guilt for causing the family all this trouble 
or even guilt that he/she brought this 
disease upon him/her self. Another 
one is stress due to the necessary
changes in family routines, finances, and
the need for alternative care for siblings.

                Socially:  Spending time away at a treatment centre means time
                away from friends and family and missing out on activities, for
                example, school trips. Side effects such as hair loss, fatigue, 
                unexpected bleeding, nausea and vomiting, weight changes and
                mood changes all can be very distressing to the child and his or
                her family. They also impact the social activities of the child as
                well as his or her acceptance at school.

                Cognitively: Absenteeism may make it difficult for a child to keep
                up with school work or to catch up when returning to school. 
                Learning ability itself may sometimes be affected due to a brain
                tumour, brain surgery or as a side effect of treatment.

                                        Educational Implications

Even with all the challenges a cancer diagnosis entails, school attendance provides a sense of normalcy for the child and his or her family as well as a sense of hope for a future life. It
will be important for school staff to prepare an educational plan for the student that takes into consideration all the physical, emotional, social and academic needs even during those times when it is not possible for the child to be in school. Communication with the parents will be very important, both to exchange important information as well as to provide emotional support to each other.

                                                    Physical needs:

      Observation: All children, including those with cancer, need to be observed
for unusual physical symptoms such as pain, excessive bruising or fatigue,
‘clumsiness’ or sensory problems. These should be reported to the family. 
Of particular concern for children with cancer are signs of fever which may 
signal an infection. A fever needs to be reported to the family right away, 
not just at the end of the school day.

               Handwashing:  Excellent hand hygiene may
            prevent infections, not only for a child with
            cancer, but for everyone. Talk to parents
            when there is an increased level of contagious
            illnesses circulating at the school. The parents 
            may wish to ask their child’s doctor if their child 
            can continue to attend school. Chickenpox is
            of particular concern to a child with cancer.

            Central lines: These do not need to be a major concern at school.
            Care should be taken not to bump the catheter and external parts
            should be kept clean, dry and covered with a dressing.
            Modifications to physical education activities may be necessary
            to prevent bumps to the line.

      Exercises: It may be possible to incorporate physiotherapy exercises
      into gym class for all the children.

RestProvide an area where the child can rest when needed. 

            NutritionThe school’s snack and/or lunch breaks may not
            accommodate the changing nutritional needs of a child with
            cancer. Appetite may be increased or decreased. The child
            may need to be allowed to eat more frequent, smaller meals
            during the day.

            Sun SensitivityStaying in the shade and using sunscreen and
            hats in the sun is common sense for anyone, but especially for 
            some children with cancer whose medications increase their
            sensitivity to the sun.

            Classroom environments: may need to be adjusted to
            accommodate changes in a child’s mobility.

            ResourcesPhysicians, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational
            therapists, speech and language therapists and dietitians all can
            help determine the specific physical needs of the child and how
            to best meet these needs.

                                                                Emotional needs:

Reassure the child that getting sick is not his/her fault and is not a punishment.

Inappropriate behaviour from a child with cancer should be understood but not accepted.

Make sure the child has a trusted ‘go to’ person at school to talk to if needed.

Social workers, psychologists, child life workers in the hospital, pastors, support
groups and child and youth workers can all help to meet the emotional needs of 
children with cancer.

                                                               Social needs:

Encourage the student’s peers to keep in touch when the child
is not in school. This can be done through sending letters or
cards, keeping a class journal and of course using the internet.
It can even be possible for students in the hospital to be present
in the classroom using a computer with webcam. If allowed, 
classmates can also be encouraged to visit their friend in person.

                                Educate the school children about cancer, 
                hair loss and other possible side effects in
                children with cancer. Discuss ways that
                they can help a child with cancer.
                Remember to ask permission from
                the child and/or his or her family
                when talking about a specific child.

                                                   Rules about wearing hats may need to
                          be changed, not only for the child with
                          cancer, but for all children. In this way,
                          one child wearing a hat will not stand out.

                                Encourage classmates to spend time with
                the child doing quiet activities when needed.  

                                                        Academic needs:

A communication book that travels with the child will be helpful to keep teachers,
parents and hospital staff up to date on what the class is working on at school
and what the child is accomplishing at the hospital or at home.

Using a computer with webcam, the student may be able to
follow lessons in the classroom from the hospital or from home.

 Some hospitals have on-site teachers to teach the children in the hospital.
 Home-based instruction must be arranged by the school as needed.

The child may need to be formally identified as a special needs student,
particularly if there is a risk of neurological complications from the cancer  
or the treatment. These complications may not become evident right away,
but may present as a gradual slowing in development over time compared
to classmates. Psychometric assessments may be available to the student
as part of his or her follow-up care. The child may need accommodations 
for fine motor skills, for example printing, as a result of some medications.
Some students may be able to successfully take on-line or correspondence
courses, particularly with additional teacher support.
 Accommodation of Assessment of learning may be required.

Additional Concerns

          Some children at school may be dealing with cancer, even though
                they do not have cancer themselves. Having a family member with
                cancer can be very stressful for a child. Planning for a child with 
                cancer at school should also address the needs
                of his or her brothers and sisters. 
                They worry, feel sad, or miss their
                family members. They may feel
                jealous or angry of all the attention
                their sick sibling is getting or even
                guilty that somehow they have
                wished this disease upon him
                or her. Sometimes siblings
                may hide their feelings to
                ‘protect’ their already
                stressed parents or they
                may start to act out to get 
                attention. It may also be difficult
                for siblings to have other students
                at school ask them about their ‘dying’
                brother or sister.

          Although most children with cancer do get better in time, some
                children do not respond to treatment and will receive palliative care.
                The purpose of palliative care is to keep the child as comfortable
                as possible and maintain the best possible quality of life until death.
                The child may choose to continue attending school as a way to do 
                something normal and to be with friends. It will be important to know 
                what the student’s wishes as well as the parents’ wishes are regarding
                information shared with the student and his or her peers. Grief counselors
                and consultants from different organizations can help provide support
                to school staff and students during this difficult and emotional time.


Crosta, P. (2012) What is Lymphoma? 
Lymphoma Symptoms, Causes and Treatments



Severe and Multiple Disabilities - Intervention

Medical Intervention

A routine part of the diagnostic process done as early as possible to try to establish the exact nature and underlying causes of the disabilities.


Physical and Occupational Therapists - These professionals assist students in the development of body coordination, other physical skills and aid in gross and fine motor skills.
Speech and Language Pathologists - These professionals assist students in the development of their speech and language. They also assist students who have difficulty with fine motor muscles required for eating.
Technical Aids - Equipment used to improve the quality of life for all students.
  • Wheel chairs/ Walkers
  • Lifts
  • Standing Frames
  • Assistive communication devices



Learning characteristics for children with severe or multiple disabilities vary. Each student requires a carefully analyzed IEP that shows modifications for appropriate learning. The IEP requires a team approach and assessments need to be continuous to ensure that the student is benefitting from the adapted curriculum.
The learning environment is best when there is:
  • opportunity for interaction
  • sensory stimulation
  • well planned curriculum
  • consistent programming
  • support
  • patience


Friday 28 June 2013

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)

Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)

Unless otherwise cited, the following
information has been gathered from
The Arthritis Society.

          When the term 'arthritis' comes to mind, we usually think of it as a disease
          that older people get. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Even
          children can develop this condition resulting in pain, stiffness, swelling,
          fatigue and sometimes even eye inflammation and/or changes in growth.


          Juvenile: young, 16 years of age or younger
          Idiopathic: of unknown cause
          Arthritis: inflammation in the joints, the places where bones come together

Did you know:

 Adult arthritis and JIA are not necessarily
 the same disease. There are some types
 of arthritis in adults that are not common
 in  children and some types of arthritis in 
 children that do not occur in adults.

           Although there are many more categories of JIA, the three most common 
           types, as described by Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare, are:

  • Four or fewer joints affected
  • usually large joints (knees, ankles, elbows)
  • often on one side of the body only
  • found more often in girls than in boys
  • increased risk of eye inflammation called iritis
  • Five or more joints affected
  • Usually small joints (hands and feet), weight bearing joints (knees, ankles, feet) and neck and jaw joints
  • Often affects the same joints on both sides of the body

     Systemic (Still’s disease)
  • Many areas of the body are affected, including joints and internal organs
  • Causes a rash of pale red spots, often on the trunk or limbs
  • Causes spiking fevers
  • Affects boys and girls equally
  • Least common form of JIA

Picture from: Arizona State University

                    The picture above shows both a healthy and an arthritic knee joint. 
                    In a healthy joint, the capsule lining makes a fluid that keeps the joint
                    slippery, so that the bones can move easily without friction. 
                    In the diseased joint, this lining becomes inflamed and thickened. 
                    It then produces extra fluid, but this fluid contains inflammatory cells.
                    These are the cells that cause the symptoms of joint inflammation: 

        redness, swelling, warmth,  
        stiffness and  pain. 

                 If left untreated, this inflammation can
                 cause damage to the cartilage, which
                 is the smooth substance covering the
                 end of the bones, and damage to the bones     


                                    In Canada 1 in 1000 children (about 10,000) have JIA. 
                                                    75 % of these children are girls.


 JIA is an autoimmune disease, which means
 the child’s immune system attacks her own
 healthy body tissues and cells rather than only
 infections and bad cells (tumours). Although
 the cause is unknown, it seems that a genetic
 predisposition may be a risk factor in developing
 JIA. Trauma, infections and excessive stress
 on the joints can worsen the symptoms.
                                                           Remissions do occur, when symptoms
                                                           disappear for a period of time (Gillette).


               A child with joint pain and swelling will need to be assessed by a doctor. The
               following steps should all be included in order to make a correct diagnosis.

  1.  History taking: The doctor will need to ask many questions in order to get an accurate   history of the child’s physical health, including prior health concerns as well as the more recent symptoms
  2. Physical exam: This will include an examination of the whole body as well as the areas of concern
  3. Blood tests: To rule out other illnesses, classify the type of JIA and predict the likelihood of developing iritis (Gillette)
  4. Imaging studies: X-rays, bone scans, ultrasound, MRI and bone density tests provide information about the child’s bones, joints and other organs to help with the diagnosis

                          Medical Intervention and Therapy

            Doctors will prescribe medical intervention
            and therapy as needed. Physical and
            Occupational therapists will  help to teach
            and implement therapy and comfort
            measures for maximum benefit to the
            child with JIA.

  • Medications: Although there is no cure yet for JIA, there are save and effective medications to help control the disease by decreasing inflammation, swelling and pain, preventing or decreasing damage to joints, and thereby increasing a child’s activity and exercise level. It will be important to take the medications exactly as prescribed by the doctor. Medications can cause side effects and these need to be discussed with the doctor.
  • Surgery: May sometimes be necessary to release or remove tissue that is preventing adequate joint movement (Gillette).
  • Exercise: Gentle, regular exercise can help protect further injury by strengthening the muscles and thereby increasing support for the joints. Exercise also encourages healing, increases energy level, improves mood and releases endorphins, the body’s natural pain relievers. Range of Motion (ROM) exercises include stretching and bending to reduce stiffness and maintain flexibility. Swimming or Yoga can be enjoyable ROM exercises for a child. It’s important for a child to pace herself when doing exercises so she will do enough but not too much on a day which may result in too much pain afterwards.
  • Braces, shoe inserts, or splints: Help to support joints and relieve pain (Gillette).
  • Heat (hot water bottle, heating pack, heating lotions or gels, warm bath or shower): Applying heat increases blood circulation, feels soothing and can help relieve stiffness
  • Cold (frozen gel pack or bag of frozen vegetables or ice cubes wrapped in a towel, cold cloth or compress, menthol-based gels or lotions): Applying cold can sooth red, swollen joints and has a numbing effect. It also decreases blood flow to swollen joints and decreases the activity of cells in the body.
  • Heat and Cold: Alternating between heat and cold (20 minutes each) can provide more pain relieve for some children than either heat or cold by itself.
  • Massage: Massage can stretch and loosen stiff muscles, helps decrease stress and helps to block pain signals from reaching the brain.

Developmental Consequences

  • Joint inflammation changes the speed at which bones grow. This can cause abnormal bone and muscle development which in turn may affect the child’s motor skills.
  • Eye inflammation can cause permanent damage to the eye if not treated (Gillette).  
  • Children may at times feel angry, sad, embarrassed, isolated, inadequate, insecure and/or depressed (Arthritis Foundation).
  • Pain may stop a child from doing the things he or she wants to do causing feelings of loneliness, sadness and stress.
  • Social activities may be affected when the child’s motor skills are affected (Gillette).  
  • Over protection and decreased expectations for the child by others may cause decreased independence in the child.   


Educational Implications

         The Arthritis Foundation suggests
          the following strategies as a starting
          point to make the school experience
          the best it can be for children with arthritis.

  •  The child’s parents, doctor, physical and occupational therapists can provide guidance on what he or she should or shouldn't do to promote optimum joint health
  • Encourage the child to join in activities as he or she is able
  • When hand joints are affected, the student may require foam grips on pens and pencils, electronic devices for writing assignments, copies of the teacher’s notes and alternative assessment of learning
  • The child may need a special desk and chair
  • He or she may need ‘stretch breaks’ to relieve stiffness
  • A second set of school books eliminates the need for carrying books forth and back
  • Include the child in planning the classroom environment
  • Observe the child for signs of pain or fatigue
  • Focus on his/her strengths rather than his/her limitations
  • Encourage independence and responsibility
  • Promote opportunities for social interactions and extracurricular activities that the child can join in
  • The child may need an IEP to identify goals and necessary accommodations and modifications
  • Home-based instruction may need to be arranged when the child has frequent absences from school
  • Plan emergency drills that accommodate students with limited mobility
  • Last, but not least, foster an environment of acceptance of diversity and individual differences at the school and in the classroom


               The Arthritis Society

               Arthritis Foundation

               Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare