Thursday 30 May 2013

Severe and Multiple Disabilities

Severe and Multiple Disabilities


Severe and Multiple Disabilities are a combination of disorders, impairments, or physical/mental disabilities. The disabilities are of such a nature as to require medical, therapeutic and educational accommodations.
 Disabilities included are but not limited to:
  • autistic
  • psychotic
  • physical disabilities
  • multiple disabilities
  • moderately, sever or profoundly mental retardation
  • dependent multiple handicaps (severe mental disabilities as well as sensory and/or other physical handicaps)
  • multi-sensory impairments


It is a difficult task to estimate the true prevalence of severe and multiple disabilities because most children are counted in terms of their dominant disability. Prevalence rates in this field are extremely low. Children with severe and multiple disabilities form less than 2% of the population of any given chronological age.


Children cannot be appropriately classified under the category of a single impairment, because the combination of conditions creates an entirely new disability that requires access to special services for all the child's impairments. These impairments can include but are not limited to sensory, physical, mental or behavioural.
Primary - the major condition that causes the child to differ in learning or behaviour
Secondary - other conditions that arise or are present
Many children have more than one set of distinguishable characteristics, making the primary disability often impossible to identify.
Example: Children who are both visually impaired and intellectually disabled may have the primary condition of visual disability
and the secondary condition being identified as intellectual.


(the process of finding causes to explain how a particular problem came into existence)

Rubella - A virus that at one time caused many devastating disabilities, such as deaf/blindness and sever multiple disabilities. However, today is well controlled.  When it does appear children more often have complex disorders affecting every different body systems
Injuries to the central nervous system- Is the cause for a significant number of multiple disabilities.  Damage and dysfunction of the brain and /or spinal cord incurred before, during or after birth are often caused by neurological impairments. Trauma, accidents or child abuse also affect the nervous system resulting in multiple disabilities.
Meningitis - Contracted after birth, 50% of children who survive have significant multiple impairments, including cerebral palsy, hydrocephalus, convulsive disorders and hearing/visual handicaps.
Usher's Syndrome - A syndrome that associates with nerve deafness and pigment degeneration of the retina. More than half of deaf blindness in adults is accounted for by Usher's syndrome. General population incidences are 1 in 15,000 to 30,000 births.
    Type 1: Most severe, affects 90% of Usher's population, profound hearing loss with a
                 gradual onset of Retinitis Pigmentosa.

    Type 2: Mild to severe hearing impairments.
    Type 3: Mild hearing impairment and a slow onset of visual disability.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Community Resources For Supporting Newcomers to Guelph and Wellington County

Wellington County Settlement Services
926 Paisley Road, Units 4 and 5
Services and supports include:
  • assistance with finding and completing forms, 
  • advice on banking, shopping
  • interpreters and translators
  • counseling
  • assessing professional and essential services
  • enrolling children in school
Immigrant Services Guelph Wellington (ISGW)
Offers a range of free programs and workshops
Citizenship and Immigration Canada

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Here we meet again!

Greetings everyone! 

This semester you will have an opportunity to blog about three new areas of exceptionality:
  • Special Health Care Needs  
  • Neurological Disorders
  • Severe & Multiple Disabilities· 
In addition, I will be blogging about English Language Learners and Students identified as gifted, creative and/or talented. 
The expectations for each entry are the same as before.  You will however be forming new teams!  As a reminder, the blog entries are listed below:
One – Definitions, Prevalence, Categories, Etiology  
Two – Assessment
Three – Intervention (medical, therapy, educational)
Important Notes
  1. The first hour of several classes will be spent in the computer lab.  Students are expected to work collaboratively on their blog entries during this time.
  2. Information is to be gathered first from the two course textbooks and supplemented with other reliable, Canadian sources.

English Language Learners in Ontario Schools


Who are English language learners (ELLs)?

  • Students enrolled in provincially funded English language schools whose first language is a language other than English.
  • Typically, English language learners require focused attention and additional supports to assist them in attaining proficiency in English.
  • English language learners can be born in Canada or they may be students who have recently arrived from other countries.  
  • Students in Ontario schools speak more than 200 different languages
  • About 20% of Ontario's students in English-language elementary schools are English language students (EQAO, 2005-6)
  • 58 % of this group were born in Canada (EQAO, 2005-6)
  • It takes more than 5 years for English language learners, both immigrant and Canadian-born, to catch up to their English speaking peers (EQAO, 2005-6)
Key Differences Between Everyday Language and Academic Language
Everyday language proficiency includes:
Academic language proficiency includes:
The ability to maintain a face-to-face conversation with peers and with a variety of school personnel in various settings, inside and outside of the classroom
The ability to understand when there is less opportunity for interaction (e.g. when listening to a presentation or reading a textbook)
The ability to talk, read, or write about familiar content or about what is happening here and now
The ability to talk, read, and write about content that has fewer connections to prior learning or personal experience, is more abstract and is more distant in time or space (e.g. learning about Canadian provinces)
Knowledge about basic vocabulary/high frequency words such as old, food, tired, cares
Knowledge of more sophisticated, low frequency words such as ancient, nutrition, fatigued, vehicles
The ability to use simple sentences and the active voice such as 'We heated the water until it boiled.'
The ability to use more complex sentences and grammatical structures such as ‘When the water was heated to the boiling point, a thermometer was used to measure the temperature.’
Supporting English Language Learners in Grades 1 – 8 (Ontario, 2008)

Stages of Cultural Accommodation

In the same way that ELLs go through stages of English language learning, they may also pass through stages of cultural accommodation. These stages, however, may be less defined and more difficult to notice. Being aware of these stages may help you to better understand "unusual" actions and reactions that may just be part of adjusting to a new culture.
  • Euphoria: ELLs may experience an initial period of excitement about their new surroundings.
  • Culture shock: ELLs may then experience anger, hostility, frustration, homesickness, or resentment towards the new culture.
  • Acceptance: ELLs may gradually accept their different surroundings.
  • Assimilation/adaptation: ELLs may embrace and adapt to their surroundings and their "new" culture.

Factors That Have a Positive Influence on English Language Acquisition:

Listen to teacher, Amber Prentice, as she describes several strategies she uses to welcome English language learners!

Facilitate Morning Meetings - daily gatherings where adults and students join together.  There are 4 components:  

Greeting Students and teachers greet one other by name.
Sharing Students share information about important events in their lives. Listeners offer empathetic comments or ask clarifying questions.
Group Activity Everyone participates in a brief, lively activity that fosters group cohesion (for example, reciting a poem, dancing, singing, or playing a game that reinforces social or academic skills).
Morning Message Students read a short message written by their teacher. The message is crafted to help students focus on the work they'll do in school that day.

Create a WELCOMING school community:
  • All staff is aware of and understands the process for receiving English language learners and their families.
  • There is a school reception team (e.g., administrator, office administrative assistant, ESL/ELD teacher, interpreter, and settlement worker, where available).
  • Families are informed about the necessary documentation for school registration. 
  •  There is a designated, comfortable place for the family and reception team to meet and share information.
  • Ample time is dedicated for the intake interview and for orientation information about school and basic routines. 
  •  There is access to competent adult interpreters who can assist parents and help them fill out forms.
  • Multilingual signs, in the languages of the community, are visible in the school.
  • There are efforts to build cross-cultural understandings. 
  •  Information is available in a variety of languages about community resources (e.g., libraries, community centres, adult ESL classes, places of worship, cultural organizations).
  • Parents are regularly invited into the classrooms and the school to celebrate student work.
  • Space is provided for families to gather if possible (e.g., a room to sit, drink coffee or tea, and read announcements in home languages or meet fellow parents).
  • Create a student ambassador program to orient the new students to the school. 
Supporting English Language Learners in Grades 1 to 8